Reflective Blog Post

Bad Choices

In this research about bad choices teens do I learned a lot about looking out for signs of drug usage or depression. I learned about reasons that make teens make bad choices and what things like drugs can do to someone. Through the project I learned that it is always good to have someone that gives you advice because if a kid has the impression that they are lonely than they will tend to break the rules getting them in trouble or even worse a drug addiction. The generation teens are growing up in right now is very dangerous because they are exposed to drugs and gangs.


The general idea of teens doing drugs is much more than just drinking alcohol after school with their “friends”. Teen are afraid of what others might say about them if they don’t consume the drugs their friends are taking. Drugs like tobacco and alcohol have a very negative effect o n anyone taking it. It is always important to tell your kids about the dangers of drugs. To help avoid a teenager from getting into drugs it is important to not only talk to them about staying away from drugs, but keeping distance from people who they believe is their friends who will just get them in trouble. It is important for a parent to tell their kid not only that you love them, but that you trust them and if they are ever stuck in a situation you will be there to help them.


Vandalism hurts the community and the people in it because when people vandalize private property or parks someone has to come and clean it up. I learned that vandalism in the community take money away from funds that go to school or activities the community offers. A lot of teens who join gangs are often jumped in by their “friends” and become part of an association where they are forced to do thing like consuming drugs, assaulting people, and destroying property. Setting curfews on teens and talking to them about responsibility could be the best thing to do when they are getting into vandalism. These 2 topics can evantually affect a teens health affecting their life in school and at home.

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