Intellectual Wellness

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Intellectual Wellness Defined

Intellectual Wellness means to be open to new ideas, be creative and think critically (University of New Hampshire).  This site explains that you can get Intellectual Wellness by doing things like improving study skills by reviewing study materials within 24 hours of class to keep it fresh in your mind. Studying in a quiet environment that will not distract you is important because if you are studying with noise around you, you won’t be concentrated enough and you will forget everything you just studied. Improving your time management skill is also important because if you do not have a good schedule or set deadlines then you will never turn things in on time. Making a to-do list, multitasking within your limits, and prioritizing tasks in order of importance and tackle the most important first are some ways of enhancing intellectual wellness. To improve critical thinking ask questions to yourself or others, be engaged in conversations, readings, and classrooms.These are all some examples of how to enhance intellectual wellness.

My Personal Intellectual Wellness

My Personal Intellectual Wellness developing my own personal ideas, views, and opinions. I have a personal opinion about everything, although it might not always be the best. Having an opinion about things is important  because if you aren’t open and are willing to view things from your own perspective you will always depend on others to share their ideas with you. An intellectual wellness I think is important to me is time management because if you can’t manage your time then you will never have anything done or will always be late. Time management goes way more beyond turning in work on time, but also showing up to appointments or meetings on time.

I am working to improve my own intellectual wellness by innovating  new ideas by using my personal views about some things. I will think of new ideas to attack projects or assignments better. I will set more deadline for myself so I don’t turn in my work late anymore. I will have my time managed better to allow me to rest after finishing my homework.